Creative Success, LLC

A Time for Anticipation and A Chance to Claim your Life Purpose

Kristin Marquet

I have been a “photographer’s widow” in the past as Rusty has been chasing the Moon all over Greater Boston and west of Boston, capturing some awesome shots. Two of my favorite shots were of the moon clinging to the Boston skyscrapers and then a moon looking like a lit-up church clock in Concord. But, I selected this shot of two women sitting by the Charles River waiting for the moonrise for our poster because it speaks to the power of anticipation-- what we choose to seek out and wait for. 

Harvest Secrets and Celebration for You!

Kristin Marquet

This is the season to bring to fruition what you have been working on manifesting this year. It is a time of completion and celebration, and for facing your barriers and obstacles to your Rich Life--head on. My article is about how to identify and dynamite through those roadblocks so that you can close this year feeling fulfilled, proud, and with $ in the bank!

Isn’t It about time to create the Rich Life® you long for and deserve?

Kristin Marquet

While we had a relentless winter here in New England, I was also dealing with a personal "winter". My mother loved my newsletters and was always the first one to send me comments. So this is the first one without her support. Perhaps they have the Internet in heaven and she can still read it. But for now, there are crocuses in my garden, Marilyn Taylor and I have a fabulous week-end retreat to tell you about, and life is pregnant with growth and new possibilities. I have been blessed during this time with wonderful, challenging clients and just did another SoulCollage® workshop, and I finally have a new website with all kinds of new offerings. Coming up, I am going to be doing a series of articles for you on increasing your productivity and organization-- so stay tuned. If you have specific struggles with those issues, let me know and we will tackle those too! Just hit Reply to this email with any comments or requests! 

Open To Your Inner Magic!

Kristin Marquet

I hope you are having some wonderful creative adventures during this special season! I have been out of touch for a while. It has been a time of both sadness and celebration, as well as complete overwhelm. Yet, there have been magic and miracles along the way. For example, I wanted to have the Black Eagle Jazz Band play at my Dad's memorial service. My parents and Rusty and I went to many of their concerts over the years. While that fantasy was impossible, our beloved minister did some networking and secured Billy Novick, the actual Band's sax and clarinet player, to play some of my Dad's favorite tunes at the service. Everyone loved it, including Billy, and it was a first for my church, too!